(Article from science4superheroes.wordpress.com)
Lucky the Leprechaun is always up to some sort of mischief and this year he left some magical rocks! Part of the fun was looking for the rocks and part of the fun was trying to break open the rocks with the “Magical Leprechaun Potion”! Just 2 simple kitchen ingredients and some gold coins/rocks are all you need!
Here’s what you need to get started:
- Baking Soda
- Water
- Measuring cup
- Large Mixing Bowl
- Tray for drying the rocks
- Gold or any colored coins
- Vinegar
- Green food coloring (optional – but colors make everything more fun!!)
To Make the Magic Rocks:
Combine 1 cup of baking soda and 1/4 cup of water (add some color to the water if you want colored rocks) in a large bowl. Mix together well with your hands. It will be crumbly.
Using your hands, make a rock shape with the mixture. If it’s too dry, it won’t stay together, if it’s too watery, it will melt into a sloppy puddle. Hide your coin inside the rock.
Let them dry overnight. I placed mine on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. They will be delicate when wet.
The next morning, the rocks were hard. Be careful, they break easily. (Note: this recipe will yield about 10 rocks.)
To Play:
Hide the Leprechaun Rocks around the house or outside for the kids to find. Then once all of them are found have them place the rocks into a bowl of vinegar. And watch them be amazed by the Leprechaun gold that appears!
Science Behind the Activity:
This is a twist on the classic baking soda and vinegar experiment. Baking soda is a base and vinegar is an acid. When combined, they release carbon dioxide gas (the bubbles).